Opens Mar 29
Currently at Lagoon
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Forecast & Park Hours
Today 58° / 46° Closed
Tomorrow 56° / 41° 10am - 7pm
Sunday 49° / 38° 10 AM - 6 PM
Monday 55° / 43° Closed
Tuesday 45° / 37° Closed
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Wild Mouse
Wild Mouse

The Wild Mouse is a full-fledged fun trap that is sure to send your tail spinning. Strap yourself into a one-car coaster and hold on tight as you climb, drop and spin your way through 180-degree turns, negative G-forces, and camelback hills back to the surface 50 feet below. The Wild Mouse is so wild, so crazy, you’ll squeak with glee!

1,030 Riders/Hour
02:00 Ride Time
50 ft Ride Height
1,200 ft Length